The importance of affection, love and company

In the embrace, the body speaks and the words are silent. Touch tells the personal story in the present moment. It transmits saving energy, buries fears and calms anguish. The embrace heals, giving life not only to the transmitter of the embrace but also to the receiver. It is a vibration that emanates in two directions.

Although some cultures are more inclined to physical contact than others, touching and being touched is essential for everyone. 

“Touch is something truly fundamental for humans and living without it weakens our closest relationships” 

Robin Dunbar Professor of Evolutionary Psychology at Oxford University

The skin is our largest sensory organ and touch is the first sense we acquire. Our dermis has five thousand nerve endings that, when caressed, send a feeling of well-being and security to the brain. 

Physical contact reduces stress, anxiety and the perception of pain. It increases self-esteem as it gives us a feeling of acceptance, affection and love. For this reason, touching, kissing and hugging are essential to maintaining good emotional stability. 

But touch is even more vital than this: The researchers They have discovered that babies who are not held, caressed and hugged enough can stop growing and, if the situation lasts long enough, even die.

The affection of another person combats loneliness, which is one of the main causes of depression. Feeling listened to, accompanied and cared for brings enormous benefits that may not be visible to the naked eye. But they are no less important. 

In his pyramid, the American psychologist Abraham Maslow, describes human needs at different levels, starting with the basic level that would include breathing or eating and reaching the peak with needs such as self-confidence or self-actualization (these levels are only achieved if we meet the previous needs). Maslow places sex in the first stage as a basic need at the same level as food, and in the third level we would find the needs for affection and love. Remember that all of these are necessary to be able to meet the needs for respect, success or improving problem solving.

Escort girls have always been a way of relief to combat loneliness in many people, who for one reason or another long for affection or a connection that society is not able to give them at those times. Unfortunately, there are few studies on the subject given the stigma linked to prostitution and the possibility of talking about its positive and even curative aspects. On many occasions, the girl is the only close human contact that one has and the only kisses and caresses that one receives. Affection and love are essential to maintain a good emotional state and to be able to approach life in a more positive way. Really… Is there any doubt about the importance of receiving this contact? and therefore the great work that escort girls do in this society ♡

In 2021, the lockdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has made it clear that we cannot live in a state of isolation for long. As Aristotle already pointed out, humans are social animals. We have also learned that in-person contact has nothing to do with contact at a distance, not to mention the importance of this contact being full of good energy, affection, love and closeness. There is no doubt that we need others to lead a full life.