Much has been said, especially in recent times, about internal ejaculation in men, but if you want to know what it is and how to achieve it, it is best to take notes of these recommendations so that you can even try to put it into practice.
What does internal ejaculation mean?
In internal ejaculation, also known as coitus Rezervatus, sexual energy is converted into other types of energies more closely related to vitality, affective energy, etc., and it consists of maintaining sexual relations without causing the loss of semen in the case of men and vaginal fluids in the case of women. All this translates into restraint, as well as retention and containment of energies.
This is a basic technique if you want to achieve multiple orgasms and it has multiple benefits. For those who don't know, it is an ancient technique cultivated in the East, although it is increasingly known and practiced in the West.
Is it the same as an orgasm?
It must be taken into account that orgasm and ejaculation are two different things, and a man can enjoy multiple orgasms and at the same time conserve his vital sexual energy by practicing tantra, which is not the same as not having sexual relations.
Sexual continence focuses on the transmutation and sublimation of sexual energies and makes this technique one of the forms of spiritual search and self-knowledge in addition to helping to be truly multiorgasmic.

Benefits of internal ejaculation
Sexual contact without ejaculation is an erotic gain for the couple, since the more the man economizes his ejaculatory ammunition, the more his potential for desire and sexual potency increases, until reaching the feminine level, and this balance is a factor of harmony for the couple that will ensure that the woman always has time to reach climax.
The tantric solution consists in prolonging the moment in which the orgasm, the most intense, will occur. The key to internal ejaculation is to remain indefinitely at the limit point, which gives access to the cerebral sexual paradise and the true male orgasm.
Achieving this is not always easy, but to try to control your ejaculation and do this process internally, you will have to be relaxed, breathe, internalize it, but also encourage practice in this sense, so you will surely achieve it in a simple way and enjoy it much more.