On the occasion of the celebrations of last week in Madrid and waiting for Pride in Barcelona we liked the idea of exploring a little more the subject of homosexuality in women and doing a small Overview of the latest news regarding this topic and escorts. We hope you enjoy the article!
Luckily, homosexuality is no longer a taboo in our society and citizens are beginning to live their sexuality freely, enjoying their tastes and personal choices. For example, there are many women who want to sleep with other women even if they have a partner, thus making their most hidden fantasies come true.
♂ My partner has the fantasy of being with another woman
The best way to do it is to talk to your partner and hire an escort who offers lesbian sex in her variety of services, this way you will be able to make your fantasies come true with discretion, maximum professionalism and of course hygiene.
♀ I have fantasies with a woman but I have a partner
If you are a woman and you have fantasies with another woman that you have never been able to make come true, whether it is your first time or if you want to experience something new, do not hesitate to contact us and ask about girls who do lesbian and are bisexual.
Remember, it is NO LONGER a Taboo
Until recently, women were particularly careful to keep their most intimate fantasies to themselves, especially if they were related to a lesbian experience. The percentage of women who admit to having had sexual relations with another woman is 43% according to the data from one of the latest surveys carried out in the USA.
This is a sign that Western countries are becoming more tolerant and respect sexual diversity. However, these advances do not happen overnight and one example of this is seeing how laws pave the way, hence the acceptance of homosexuals was 6% in Spain in 2007 and now it is 88% after the approval of the law on gay marriage.
The latest surveys show and prove that discrimination and fear towards the homosexual community has decreased as equality laws are being passed.
One only has to look at one of the latest online surveys, which aimed to detect the level of acceptance of homosexuality and reveal homosexual tendencies. For example, when asked directly if they considered themselves heterosexual, only 111% of the population said no, while among those who were asked indirectly and with an anonymous response method, 191% said they did not consider themselves heterosexual.
As regards the integration of the group in Spain, 881% of the Spanish people surveyed would consider it positive that greater integration of homosexuals were carried out. This figure is very positive as it is one of the highest percentages in the world. And for example, this figure contrasts especially with that obtained in other countries such as Nigeria, where homosexuals have a level of acceptance of 11% of them.