deep penetration sex position

Positions for deep penetration

Top 6 positions to achieve deeper penetration

If what you like most when having sex is achieving deep penetration, take note of these positions that will undoubtedly help you achieve it.

1. Deep impact

This is a position that is great for getting to know your partner better. To practice it, you will have to lie on your side and lift one leg. Have him hold your leg and penetrate you while he does so. At the same time, you can stimulate your clitoris and you will get even more intense pleasure.

2. The wheelbarrow

This position may not seem very comfortable but it is very pleasurable. To do it properly you will have to get into this position while your partner holds your legs and penetrates you from behind.

3. The missionary

This is one of the most well-known positions on its own merits. To do it, you will have to place a pillow under your buttocks to raise your hips and wrap your legs around his shoulders. Make him penetrate you while he leans on your legs and pushes them slightly towards your head.

4. Bitilasana

This is a yoga position that will give you more pleasure than you thought possible. To do it, you will have to get into this position and bend the arch of your back so that your hips rise naturally. To have a deeper sensation, push your body backwards with your hand trying to grab it.

5. The mile

To do this position you will have to sit on a comfortable chair and raise your hips. Let him lift your legs and watch how he penetrates you. It will be one of the most pleasurable options possible.

6. The slave

This position is one of the most pleasurable. To do it you will have to kneel in front of your partner, rest your hands on the backrest so that your pelvis is facing his penis, while he goes up a little and you go down. This way you will have good penetration.

Let him take advantage of your body's inclination to have a deep penetration. This will allow you to reach the G-spot without difficulty. For greater pleasure, lower yourself as far as possible towards your pelvis and swing; this way he will also feel like he's touching heaven. We recommend that he perform oral sex beforehand and that he stimulate your G-spot manually. In this case, you will see that the experience is even more pleasurable if possible. Give it a try.