When we talk about bisexuality, it is always associated with women being more open or more prone to it. It seemed that it was nothing more than a false belief or simply a prejudice, but the truth is that now science may provide an answer to why women are more likely to have homosexual encounters than men.
As you know, bisexuality is the state where the sexual orientation of a person, in this case a woman, makes her feel attracted to both people of the same sex and those of the opposite sex,
According to a study by the University of Nicosia, some women evolved to have lesbian or bisexual behaviour due to the mating preferences of men. Thus, these sexual preferences would be linked to the very origins of evolution.

In this sense, they would be related to the attraction to people of the same sex, believing that women developed from the intrinsic desire of men to have a sexually fluid partner. It is believed that subconsciously, if these relationships occur, it is because a female partner who sleeps or has sexual relations with other women would achieve certainty about her offspring and thus reduce the risk of adultery.
Within the mythology surrounding bisexuality, porn has played a fundamental role and it is largely due to this type of audiovisual content that men see their partners' lesbian encounters as a possibility of having sexual relations with more than one woman simultaneously.
However, there are a number of factors that may be clearer in this regard. For researchers, female same-sex relationships could be more in tune, since “they know another woman's body better and can give pleasure just as they would do to themselves.”
The truth is that at the moment the percentage of bisexual girls is higher than that of boys, and it is much more common for heterosexual girls to have experienced fantasies with someone of the same sex than for men.
On the other hand, they also claim that homosexual sex is not scripted as heterosexual sex can be. So perhaps this would be another key factor for a person to see that, after experimenting, what they like is this type of sex and these relationships.