penis size, woman amazed

Can the penis be enlarged?

You may have asked yourself this question before. If you want to enlarge your penis or if you are wondering if this is possible, pay attention to these options that will allow you to increase the size of your penis. This question is also sometimes asked by women who want to know if there really is a solution to this or not. Here we clear up your doubts.

With surgery

There is a surgery that involves cutting the suspensory ligament of the penis to fix it on the opposite surface, thus making the shaft of the penis move forward and appear larger. Another option is to inject silicone or other materials to increase the thickness of the male reproductive organ.

If you opt for the biomaterial injections we are talking about, you should know that in this case you would have to choose between having a thicker penis and a more sensitive penis.

If you opt for the suspensory ligament section, it is true that the penis will lengthen slightly, but it is very likely that you will lose sensitivity in your member.

2. With vacuum pumps

There has been a lot of talk about vacuum pumps as a solution to enlarge the penis. What these devices do is increase the pressure of the blood vessels so that more blood enters and thus a huge erection is maintained.

If you opt for a technique such as Jelqing, you will be opting for a procedure that practically consists of manually “milking” the penis. You have to be careful because it can cause damage to the blood vessels.

3. With pills

There are pills sold in both pharmacies and herbalists that aim to increase blood flow to the penis. If your problem is sexual potency, you have various pills at your disposal to improve this situation, although none of them will make your penis bigger.

4. Other alternatives

These alternatives will only make your penis look bigger, not bigger, but they can be useful. To do this, you will have to resort to simple and practical methods such as shaving your pubic hair or losing weight if you need to. You will also appear to have a larger penis through the firmness of your erection, so you can help yourself with vibrating rings. The advantage you will have with these methods is that they are all safe and effective.