If you like to explore when having sex, to know first-hand which are the most erogenous zones and more, this article is for you. Take note because we bring you the points that will turn you on even though you may not even know it yet.
The first thing you have to keep in mind is that there are erogenous zones of the body that are especially sensitive for practically everyone, but then there are other erogenous zones in our body that vary from one person to another and that are formed as we become adults.
In this sense, the map of erogenous zones distinguishes two main types of erogenous parts, both for men and women.
Primary erogenous zones are those that require prior arousal to reach orgasm and are, fundamentally, the genitals. Thus, through the friction of masturbation or penetration, climax is reached.
For women, the primary erogenous zones are the vagina and the clitoris, which can be aroused by caresses and circular movements, and each woman will like one thing more than another.
Secondary erogenous zones
As for secondary erogenous zones, we must say that we take these zones into account and consider that they are not necessary to achieve orgasm, but they would help in this. This could include different parts of the skin and mucous membranes. These zones would react actively to caresses and help activate the primary zones.
In the case of women, these areas are considered to be the pubis, the labia majora and the labia minora, as well as the buttocks, the entrance to the vagina, the anus, the nipples and the perineal area.
As far as men are concerned, the entire penis acts as a large secondary erogenous zone, as well as the area near the perineum, the anus and the nipples on some occasions because there are men who like to have this area stimulated.
Potential erogenous zones
As for potential erogenous zones, this would include body parts such as the neck, ears, areas around the nipples, feet, etc.
Potential erogenous zones are those personal zones that may or may not sensitize us depending on the person, but that we all have, although in some people it is different from others. In these zones, a set of sensations is activated that help us get in the mood.