Before you start reading
Before you even start thinking about becoming a luxury escort, a company escort, a house escort or a club escort, you have to take into account that there are some personality traits that you should have as standard. Otherwise, this experience could be too difficult to attempt.
Do you like being with people? Being the center of attention? The life of the party? Then you'll love this job! You also have to like sex, you have to know how to be uninhibited, feel comfortable being naked and having sex.
Physique and lifestyle
There are tastes for everything, you don't have to be a 1.80m blonde and 90-60-90m tall to be an escort or even a luxury escort. Although it is very important that you are an attractive girl, other aspects are also valued, such as poise, culture, your lifestyle and the way you dress.
Don't hesitate to go to the gym, being an escort requires you to have a well-kept physique and with flexible schedules you can perfectly combine a little time to shape your body, eliminate toxins and release accumulated energy.

There are clients who prefer exuberant and striking girls, others however agree in wanting a 'normal woman' and prefer discreet escort girls. In both cases it is very important that you dress with taste and style, that you always show your feminine side and take care of aspects such as hair, skin, makeup, manicure, pedicure, waxing.
Makeup should always be discreet unless you are attending an evening event or dinner. However, we will stay away from extremely red lips and smokey eyes to give a more feminine, fragile and innocent look.
High heels are essential to enhance your figure and stylize your legs. However, 10cm heels will not be allowed in hotels or at home meetings as you could compromise the client's privacy (carry them in your bag and put them on once you have passed the reception desk). This also applies to clothing such as extremely short dresses and low necklines that can be seen from miles away. You can be more liberal in this regard in spring and summer. In winter, wear your coat/scarf to be more discreet.
The agency will always advise you of the most suitable style and also of the client's requests in case they want you to come flat.
Think about this: The idea is to be a discreet lady in public and a lioness in private, with your garters, your corsets and your high heels.
The 'know how to be'
First of all: smiles. It has been proven that no matter how pretty you are, if you go to your appointment with a sad face, the client will not enjoy the experience. Smile, laugh, have a good time, think about what you love about this job: whether it is meeting people, being the center of attention, being adored or money. It is important that you can leave all your worries and problems outside the door for that hour, two hours, and go in to see the client as if your whole life were perfect. Remember that you are there to please him and make his day become something unique, fun. You have to know how to make the client feel loved, attractive, interesting and of course… horny!
You have to know how to break the ice in any situation, know a little bit of everything, if he likes to travel you will talk about trips, if it is the first time he is in Barcelona or Madrid you should know interesting facts about your city...etc.etc.
As a tip: try to avoid talking about sensitive topics such as politics, extremism, causes, debates…
Remember, no client likes to be with a conceited girl, you have to show yourself confident but never look down on your colleagues or the client. It is also not in good taste to speak badly of your colleagues or other clients. And speaking of other clients, it is strictly forbidden to talk about other services you have had, if you talk about them the client will know that you will do the same to him later.
Remember, if they are successful businessmen, judges, politicians... they must have something, they are not stupid, do not treat them as such.
Do you just want to talk?
It is true that a good conversation is appreciated, but they do not just want to talk. If they call us for a date that is not purely for company, the sexual act is implied.
Sometimes I meet with clients to get feedback on the escorts we have in Barcelona and Madrid. After years we have become friends and they tell me about their experiences. A few months ago I met with Javier, a client who has been calling us for a while to make appointments and he told me the following:

'We talked for almost an hour, I was really enjoying her presence but it's clear that I really wanted to go to bed and yet something inside me didn't want to 'cut her off'. As soon as that thought crossed my mind, she got up and went to the bathroom, turning her head and winking at me she said: 'I love talking to you, but aren't we here just to talk, right?' And with a smile she disappeared behind the bathroom door to appear a few minutes later spectacularly. With all the full equipment, she looked like a woman straight out of an Intimissimi advertisement that I like so much. I, still stunned by the phrase I heard earlier, had no choice but to let out a small, silent 'wow' as she turned around and was already sitting on top of me giving me kisses on the neck. WHAT A WONDERFUL ONE OF ME! Don't send me anyone else but her!'
How do you feel? If everything is perfect in its right measure. If you have a 1-hour date, you can't spend half of it talking, if you have a 3-hour date you can do like the experience I just told you about.
During sex…
Find out how he likes it, you will quickly notice if he likes to take the reins and change position every 2 minutes or maybe he likes you to be in control.

You have to present yourself as you would present yourself to a boyfriend. There is an implicit trust that you have to show (even if it is the first day you meet this particular client). There are some things that you do have to take as rules:
- GET PAID BEFORE YOU START (in the most discreet way)
We hope you enjoyed these tips! If you want to be part of our team, don't hesitate to write to us at: or fill in the Casting form to work as an escort in Barcelona, Madrid and Spain