different sexual positions

Irresistible sexual odor

What to eat to give off an irresistible sexual odor

Smell is proven to be an important component when it comes to feeling attracted to someone, especially for women. From an evolutionary perspective, scientists say our sweat can help signal aspects ranging from our health status and could play a role in helping to attract a partner.

According to a recent study on the smell of men's sweat and the physical attraction it can arouse in women, it was concluded that men who eat more vegetables smelled in a peculiar way that was much more attractive to women.


Pheromones also come into play in this regard (Read more about pheromones). For those who do not know what pheromones are, they are chemical substances secreted by living beings.

These substances unconsciously trigger specific behaviors in other individuals of the same species and serve to transmit signals. They are considered a kind of attraction hormone. It is therefore not surprising that there are perfumes made from concentrated human pheromones that have been previously synthesized in a laboratory and serve as an olfactory cosmetic additive. To notice their effect, it is essential that it is used daily after bathing or showering.

Pheromones in perfume are used as if they were a normal fragrance. You only have to apply them on your neck and wrists, these smells are captured by the vomeronasal organ which makes this smell become an emotion and desires.

[…]men who ate more vegetables smelled in a peculiar way that was much more attractive to women

It should be remembered that this is a chemical compound generated naturally by the sweat glands. Therefore, this type of perfume is identical to any fragrance you can find on the market, but this component is added to promote and encourage relationships.

More fruits and vegetables; less carbohydrates

And the fact is that smell, through a process in which brain chemistry intervenes, makes the smell play a preponderant role when it comes to generating an attraction towards another person. It must be taken into account that humans choose partners in terms of sensory bases, both auditory, visual and olfactory, and the latter are the first to be noticed. In addition, as a relationship becomes more consolidated, the sense of smell also becomes more acute.