If you are one of those people who tend to be quite shy and do not relate easily with people, pay attention to these tips that will help you in your task.
By putting the following recommendations into practice, you will surely feel more comfortable within a couple of weeks. It is important not to confuse shyness with introversion, since the latter concept refers to a biological basis of personality, while shyness represents a problem in relating to other people.
“It is important not to confuse shyness with introversion”
Don't be so hard on yourself
Don't be so demanding of yourself when you're surrounded by people and you feel like your contributions aren't coming out the way you wanted. Most of your judgments aren't based on facts but on negative thoughts you've learned about what optimal social behavior should be. Perfection doesn't exist.
Don't think about it so much
Take your ideas or thoughts to the limit. Many beliefs are limiting, sometimes you have to risk starting that conversation that scares you so much.
Open yourself to new social situations
Experiment, there is nothing more stimulating than trying things, even if they turn out “wrong”. In reality, they are unique learning experiences that you take away.

Write what you are going to say
Write down on a notepad what you think you can't say but need to express. Practicing in front of the mirror until you feel comfortable is also an option. Of course, the idea is not to obsess.
Don't worry about social acceptance
Practice assertiveness and don't be afraid to be more spontaneous. Being spontaneous is actually a very positive thing, and if you are spontaneous, you can be sure that others will appreciate it. Say what you think honestly and assertively, and people will likely accept you and be receptive to your opinions.
Focus on the small progress you are experiencing. You can also help yourself with exercises, relaxation and breathing techniques or other activities where you express different emotions.