lack of sexual desire in men

How to improve lack of sexual desire: 4 tips

Do you suffer from lack of sexual desire?

Fighting a lack of sexual desire is possible. If you feel that you do not have the same desire to have sex as before but you would like to solve this, take note of these recommendations that will help you fight this problem. Simply by making a series of gestures and habits, you will be able to stimulate desire and thus enjoy full sexuality. In any case, do not act as if nothing happened and ignore this problem because it can get worse if it continues over time.

Escape from monotony and feed the morbid curiosity!

In relationships, monotony sometimes falls into place and this is one of the great enemies of sex. Analyze what may be behind this loss of sexual appetite because in the vast majority of cases it is simply the routine is what causes this loss of sexual desire. Making new plans and living new experiences They will help you regain your sexual appetite.

Encourage games

Something as simple as encouraging games in bed will rekindle the flame.

We must not forget that the Sex is also a game and it will be much more difficult to end up falling into it. boredom. It is also very important to give a relevant role to caresses and to realize sexual fantasies. Surprising and making each encounter something unique and different, far from monotony and rushing, will keep the lack of sexual desire at bay.

Take care of yourself

Perhaps there is a certain lack of self-esteem behind the loss of sexual appetite. You must combat this by taking care of yourself and pampering yourself. Only if you are happy with yourself will you be happy with others and have satisfactory sexual relationships. Exercising, losing weight, and eating a healthy and balanced diet will make you feel better and you will also notice this in the sexual realm.

Communication is the basis of everything

Maybe you have lost your sexual appetite because communication is failing in the relationship or there are simply other reasons. In any case, communication must be key to talking about the possible problem that exists on the sexual level. Don't be ashamed or hesitant and express what you feel and think because only in this way will you be able to have fully satisfactory relationships again.

So now you know, the main key is to feel comfortable with yourself and always look to do different things between the sheets, monotony in sexual relations will be your worst enemy.