Master your orgasm!
Controlling your orgasm is possible and you can do it through a series of techniques that are very effective. If you want to learn to control your orgasm, put them into practice and you will surely achieve it.
Don't go straight to penetration
Encourage foreplay, which will slow down the moment of penetration. It is proven that men get aroused faster than women, and something as simple and pleasurable as foreplay will help slow down the ejaculation process and help you adjust to increasing levels of arousal.
Use relaxation techniques
There are certain relaxation techniques that will help you slow down the moment when you end up ejaculating. One of them is meditation, which will help you release the stress and tension accumulated during the day. All you have to do is spend a few seconds inhaling and exhaling air and your body will relax, delaying the moment of ejaculation.
Exercise the pelvic muscles
Exercising your pelvic muscles will also be a great idea. This type of exercise will help you learn how to control premature ejaculation naturally and safely, as well as treat something like erectile dysfunction. To do these exercises properly, you will have to learn how to tighten your pelvic muscles in such a way that your body will react later and orgasm will also come more slowly.
Having an orgasm hours before
This is a short-term solution that, although not the best, is effective. It involves having an orgasm hours before having sexual intercourse. This way, the pent-up and somewhat repressed desires will be released with the first orgasm and you will need more time to have the second.
Pressing on the base

Another of the most commonly used techniques consists of applying pressure to the base of the organ before having sexual relations. To do this you will have to apply pressure until you see that the impulse that makes you feel that ejaculation is going to occur has diminished. Then you can continue with sexual relations. It is a simple exercise that if you get used to doing it little by little your body will get used to doing it on its own. It is an exercise that aims to learn to better control your body and acquire a certain discipline in this regard.