Standing Sex: Top Positions

If you like having sex standing up, take note of these positions that will allow you to have a very kinky and pleasurable evening of sex.

Tips for your first date with an escort

First date with an Escort If you are going to have your first date with an escort and you are wondering how to face this moment, take note of these steps and recommendations

How to give a good blowjob

Giving a good blowjob is not easy and requires a series of points to follow that become a real guide to improve your technique.

Bisexuality in Women

Where does this interest in women come from, how it was seen before and how we understand it now. Bisexuality in women is as mysterious as it is attractive

Internal ejaculation in men

Much has been said, especially in recent times, about internal ejaculation in men, but if you want to know what it consists of, keep reading.

Sex toys for women

Pleasure for them… If you want to have fun individually, take note of these sex toys because with them you will achieve it. Pleasure is within your reach and more than […]

Famous bisexuals

More and more public figures are deciding to talk openly about their sexuality. Discover the hottest bisexual celebrities!

We recommend: The best sex toys

To escape from the routine that we sometimes fall into in the sexual arena, there is nothing like using sex toys. Nowadays we can find an endless number of options […]